Monday, June 15, 2009

Give Kate a Break!

I am a mother of 3 boys. That in its self is wild but make the last two of them a set of fraternal twins. So with those statics I can safely say I am a busy mother of multiples:) Don't get me wrong it is a huge blessing to have these little boys but with multiples it poses a new set of challenges. A mother of one child has the freedom to know that only one little person at a time is trashing her house. I have two whirl winds. Now on to the Give Kate a break title. I LOVE watching Jon and Kate plus 8 on TLC. I have borrowed many of her clever ideas to help with Garrett and Wyatt.If see where she is snippy and bossy but with that many kids someone muct be in charge.

Give me a break on the Kate and Jon news just for one day! I say if you don't like her or her methods to madness THEN DON'T WATCH!The latest drama falls where she refused

one of her older children a drink on water before an interview. No big deal in my mind. I see that if she gave one child a drink she would have to do the same for the other 7. I think if one waits they all wait.When you start passing out that many drinks it will take up time and someone will still not be happy.Trust me. Call me mean, call me unfair but in my house all 3 would have to deal.

Everyone in the media is so quick judge how Kate and Jon parent their children, I think we all should look inside our own homes before we go peeping into others. I love the show and hope all the drama will settle down. These are just my ranting thoughts on Kate! I am sure there will be more post on this issue but for a while I will let it rest.

Friday, June 12, 2009

We are 3!!!!!!!

If you were to have asked me on June 6, 2006 (6/6/06) was I ready to have the twins I would have said YESSSSSS! Now that they are 3 I am a little sad that my babies are growing up so fast.Wyatt is shy and has a beautiful smile. Garrett talks for the both of them and you can see in his eyes what he is thinking. They are twins but oh so different. I am very blessed to have three wonderful boys.

Monday, May 25, 2009

No Sleep

Don't you hate when you have the chance to sleep late you can't. I could have slept late this morning but instead I am up at 3:30am. I don't think I have slept past 7 am since the twins were born which will be 3 yrs next month. WOW! Time is really flying by. This is going to be a very long day! I am still working on this blog and will try to post photos today. Guess since I am up I need to try to be productive:)Or I could sit here and drink coffee and watch FOX news.Sounds more like it.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The First

Here is my first post.I am just trying to figure this all out:)